And this is what I found:

Nasa scientist Dr. Richard B. Hoover claims that he found fossils of micro-organisms that are very similar to that we have on earth. He found those from some CI1 meteor, they think that those meteors are over 4 bilion years old. For me that picture says really nothing, but I honestly hope that this find actually mean that we are not alone.
always reciprocating :) great blog
VastaaPoistaWow aliens. Awesome.
VastaaPoistaThat's freaky s*** right there...
VastaaPoistaFollowed, curious in what that messed up worm thing is... xD
OMG, then... I'll watch my steps...
VastaaPoistaWoah. D:
VastaaPoistawheres my hover car science!!! WHERE I SAY!!
VastaaPoistathat is pretty cool
VastaaPoistaIf you find anything else, please POST IT! :D
VastaaPoistaAwesome °_°
D: oh damn
VastaaPoistaI have heard some theories microorganism could evolved on several planets or even moons like Europe. This is an very interesting topic.
VastaaPoistawow, maybe we arent alone in this universe
VastaaPoistai'm really curious about this too, followed!
VastaaPoistathe arsenic life is not possible.
VastaaPoistaLooks like a space penis!
VastaaPoistaBut in all seriously, it's only a matter of time before it is discovered that we aren't alone.
I read about this when it first happened. Really neat.
VastaaPoistaWe're not alone. There are billions of those micro-shrimps out there in the space. Every time you sneeze they get sucked up there due to sudden pressure changes in the atmosphere.
VastaaPoistaSpooooooky... :D
VastaaPoistaWow. I mean WOW O_O.
VastaaPoistaWhoaah, this is awesome! :D
VastaaPoistaOh wow, that's awesome
VastaaPoistaI believe i'm as tough as this little bug
VastaaPoistaThat is some weird bug thing..
VastaaPoistais there a link for this cause if so thats awesome
VastaaPoistaYeah it is there,
VastaaPoistaWhoa, that's incredible.
VastaaPoistawoah. this is almost as cool as human's creating life. followed
VastaaPoistaDude what if they reproduce and get bigger and we'll be doomed :( damn, following perkele!
VastaaPoistaNice, I'll have to look that up.
i am convinced that we are not alone. just think about it. how big are the odds that in this HUGE universe only planet earth has life.
VastaaPoistathat scares me somehow. o_O'
VastaaPoistathat is amazing! fossils from space, thats definitely an important discovery!
VastaaPoistafollowing, follow me back @my blog
I would like to see a peer reviewed article on this