So I've been looking around for something that will raise party spirit, and been thinking that I should order Party Shooter or maybe Shotgun Opener. But don't know witch one of those.
Shotgun Opener, it looks like can opener. You do hole in to bottom of the can, after that you open can in regular way. Then you'll use that hole you made to drink beer.. fast!

Party Shooter, its basically a tube witch lets you drink bottle of beer in 3-7sec.

So, do you guys have any experience in these two? And what do you guys prefer?
Maybe I'll buy just both of em since they cost like ~5€ each :)
I want a beer shooter man. those things look dope
VastaaPoistahaha looks cool!
VastaaPoistafollowing!! :)
O_O need one of these for next year with the rugby lads. GET IT DOWN YOU ZULU WARRIOR!!
VastaaPoistadefinitely go for a shooter, it's easier, more safe and you can pour anything in you like, and as much of it you like.
VastaaPoistaParty shooter looks great, but i like to drink beer slowly :) so.. it's your choice :)
VastaaPoistaLooks awesome :D
VastaaPoistajust build a party shoter yourself. its not that hard ;)
VastaaPoistamy selfmade shooter works fine!
Nice one!
VastaaPoista+ follower :)
Shooter! But I only drink hard liquor, so I don't really know what I'm talking about.
VastaaPoistagreat blog man! followed
VastaaPoistaparty shooter the best thing ever!
VastaaPoistaparty shooter all the way!
VastaaPoistaWe used to just buy a pack of bendy straws. You can put them in the bottle of beer, bend it over the edge, and chug from the bottle with the straw coming out. The straw lets air in and beer comes out really fast.
VastaaPoistaI would take the party shooter!
VastaaPoistaI want a party shooter!Maybe I'll build it myself
VastaaPoistahaha, that would no doubt kill me. i like the design of the first one though!
VastaaPoistaParty Shooter looks epic. :)
VastaaPoistaHmm. Let's see some more pictures of them in action.
VastaaPoistayou can build the second on easily yourself :D
VastaaPoistayeah, i have to agree with everyone else. Pretty awesome.
VastaaPoistaparty shooter is awesome! get it!
VastaaPoistabut shotgunning beers can be so much fun
VastaaPoistayeah the party shooter for sure, at first i thought it was a bong.
VastaaPoistaBut, but... you must enjoy your beer!
VastaaPoistaGuinness for the win
I wounder what you pick my friend ?
VastaaPoistaGive me a glass and I will drink it in less that 3 seconds. Following!
VastaaPoistaI got a party shocker at home already, it's VERRRRRRRRY effective!
VastaaPoistathsoe look like tthey'll be fun.
VastaaPoistawow nice gadgets
VastaaPoistahaha what happend to enoying the beer?
VastaaPoistacoll blog tho ill be back for more!
Wow this is just....
VastaaPoistaShotgun opening requires nothing more than a beer can and a knife :)
VastaaPoistaThe first is kinda useless, since you can do that with a knife, a key or pretty much any sharp object. :)
VastaaPoistawell thats REAL usefull!!
VastaaPoistaGet them both!!! they look awesome
VastaaPoista1st one looks much cooler!
go for it looks cool +followed
VastaaPoistai've never done these but i'd like to try them and everyone reading this should try an upside down beer bong
VastaaPoistaDamn, that last one sounds crazy, but you could do that faster with a straw and a bottle
VastaaPoistaI want ;_;
VastaaPoistaShotgunning FTW!
I would buy the party shooter. You probably already have a pocketknife or screwdriver for shotgunning beers.
VastaaPoistaOh wow that's crazy cool. Come check out my blog,
VastaaPoistai feel like save you're money and just learn how to chug
VastaaPoistaI cant remember the last time i partied :(
VastaaPoistaHey, I had a great time reading your website. Can I contact you through email?. Please email me back.