Okey, now it is official. Finlandia Vodka won Ultimate Spirits Challenge 2011, witch means that it got voted to be best unflavored vodka in the whole wide world.
Competitions max score was 100, and Finlandia Vodka got 94!
If you want to see perfect list, you can see it here. http://www.ultimate-beverage.com/wine_reviews/spirits-results/ It contains Vodkas, Tequilas and such found that interesting, so wanted to share that with you guys.
What do you guys prefer? Maybe Rum or Whiskey?
I've always been huge fan of vodka, can't stand whiskey at all.
Probably going to buy Finlandia this weekend and drink for Finland!
i do love vodka
VastaaPoistahehe who doesn't :) way to go ^^
VastaaPoistaI love this vodka! Now I know why! :)
VastaaPoistaand you got a new follower!
mmm vodka, following!
VastaaPoista1 Star Jaloviina is my kinda drink!
VastaaPoistaI want some of that :)
VastaaPoistaIn New Zealand we say NZ vodka best in the world. Best brand is 42below. yummmm
VastaaPoistavodka is the best
VastaaPoistaMy choice is Absolut.. but I really don't know much of vodka.
VastaaPoista"Probably going to buy Finlandia this weekend and drink for Finland!"
VastaaPoistaI'll be there with you! Get drunk as hell for the glory of Finland!
Finland ftw :)
VastaaPoistalove me some vodka, followin
VastaaPoistahaven't tried either yet
VastaaPoistaFinland vodka, the best ever!
VastaaPoistascotch whiskey, best ever. had some pretty dodgy experiences with vodka.
VastaaPoistaHella good vodka. Followed! alphabetalife.blogspot.com
VastaaPoistaOh yes, i love this vodka, i'm living in Poland, and we all love this vodka :))) thanks for remember me.
VastaaPoistagreeting from finland! woah!
VastaaPoistaI'd like taste it :)
VastaaPoistaNo Finlandia Vodka in Germany tho.
VastaaPoistai dont like wodka :x
VastaaPoistaI like Grey Goose =)
VastaaPoistaThat is so godly
VastaaPoistaAbout time they gave some recognition.
VastaaPoistaStraight vodka! ever tried skittle vodka?
VastaaPoistagood post
VastaaPoista+ follower:)
True story. Make a screwdriver with the finlandia Mango. Freakin' heaven man. +1 internets for you
VastaaPoistaTotally cant wait to try it o.o
VastaaPoistammmm i like fin vodka as like polish
VastaaPoistagood post <3